Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny."
- Unknown

"My God,Slash you're already old and that cigarette don't deserve a place in that mouth of yours already...But you're always an inspiration."
I just realized that being 'kind', and actually BEING kind (not being kind for the sake of it) gives you a rush or a happy 'sort' of bodily chemical to your brain thus,making you feel a pleasant 'high'. Nothing druggy here. So...
The next time you're out there,
1.Give up your seat for an elderly person or a woman with a baby (My gosh,how would you feel if you were the mother?!)
2.Having basic courtesy like saying 'thank you' and 'sorry'
3.Having good manners. Don't smoke in people's face. Don't mouth vulgarites in front of public.
(I suppose it's perfectly fine if you're with your buddies. XD)
4.Many more I don't wish to list cause' I think it's common sense.
"Friends that watch your back,
Friends that play with your heart,
All act the same from the start,
Before you know it some disappear,
Others stay beside you for life,
Those are the friends,
The best friends."
~Gary R. Hess
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