"Where to?"
Yes.I know I haven't updated for a stupid amount of time.I've been very lazy these days.(I know it's bad,I'm trying to get rid of it.) So lazy that I didn't couldn't find any inspiration to write,it was damn un-inspiring,depressing and boring for the past few days.
Enough of the bad news and boring crap.
So today, actually...A few days ago, I realized I was lost in life.
"I'm so dumb...I'm lost!"
It was actually a feeling of being at the crossroads, with no direction whatsoever. I felt as if I was stuck in a moment. I didn't know where to go. I didn't know where I was leading my myself to in life.
Sometimes, in life, most of us progress at such pace,that we tend not to stop and realize.
We advance so fast, that we didn't know where our choices took us, or HOW FAR we've went.
For me,I JUST realized I was living the life on the fast lane, making decisions without thinking twice, or thrice, JUST GOING WITH THE FLOW. AND YES, its not the right thing to do!
"Going with the flow"...
Lost, in MANY aspects. but still finding new light and looking forward.
One of the "Choice" cards we have in life has the words,"THINK POSITIVE" printed on it.
It's really up to us to DRAW THAT CARD FROM THAT DECK.
Oh...I almost forgot, TODAY was a damn productive day, one of the best Tuesdays I had,
managed to stay cool,calm,concentrated and collected for the whole day,looking forward to more productive studying. GRANT ME MORE DAYS LIKE THIS.
Clinton,Haziq,Heesham and I got so bored in school today, we did THIS.

"The Leaning Tower Of Finished Drinks"
This is what happens when Satan loses a guitar battle.